Sunday, December 13, 2020

Blogging again

I originally started this blog fifteen or so years ago in order to sharpen my writing skills by emulating some of the blogs that I loved back then. At that time, the bloggers that I looked up to were (don't laugh) Paul Graham and Digitiser creator Mr Biffo. Since then, blogging seems to no longer be a thing (killed by social media, YouTube. smartphones and the brief success and then retirement of Google Reader) and my list of internet heroes has changed somewhat. I regret that. But the one thing that I really regret is not continuing to write.

So my resolution is: I intend to resurrect this blog and try to use it as a medium for my half-baked opinions. If I can figure out a static site generator then I'll move it to my own domain. I imagine that nobody is going to read it but that's ok. I want this to be a mixture of catharsis and me honing my craft.

And hopefully my opinions aren't too half baked.

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