Friday, October 22, 2010

Modern Art

Inspired by our visit to the Art Gallery of New South Wales, I thought I could do this "modern art" thing myself, especially after Claire bigged up my artwork and told me that I could make millions. At the gallery, I noticed that some of the paintings from the sixties were pretty simple. The artist had just drawn a simple geometric shape on a canvas. When viewing said paintings, one presumably infers meaning in some way or other. This was presumably followed by much self congratulation on the behalf of the artist. Check out this piece by yours truly:

See how the bleak simplicity reflects the artist's soul and desire to express himself. That not enough? Hmmmm.

I noticed that some of the more recent modern art features words or slogans painted onto the canvas. Presumably the artist put down words that evoked feelings or ideas that he was trying to get across or maybe it was just a stream of consciousness. Check out this piece of art that I whipped up myself in that style:

The bleakness of the painting represents the soul crushing loneliness of modern life.

Cynics may point out that poking fun at modern art, especially when you don't understand it, is actually pretty cliched. True. However, by deliberately engaging in such a cliched activity, this blog post becomes truly post-modern, thus transcending any traditional form of criticism.

Finally, here is a picture of the Sydney CBD, drawn entirely from memory by an autistic savant with a photographic memory:

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